It's hard to kill
A daffodil.
I made that up just now (does it sound like Ogden Nash?) but it really is true: even the bed right by the road where the salt gets all over is starting to bud.
The sheltered bed is still in full bloom but getting older:
My grape hyacinths always take a while to get there but last forever once they do.
Very, very Nashian. :-)
I can't believe how fast it goes from snow to Spring flowers in your neck of the woods.
Happy Spring!
Your flowers are gorgeous!!
Mel: good; the other choice was Ted Knight as the guy christening his yacht in _Caddyshack_!
Diane: Me neither--the snow melts and the very next day the snowdrops are blooming...and the crocus ALWAYS get snowed over at least once.
Mitzi: Thanks--the bulbs and the dirt do the hard part!
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