Blogsam and Jetsam

Flotsam is the part of the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the water. Jetsam is cargo or parts of a ship that are deliberately thrown overboard, as to lighten the ship in an emergency, and that subsequently either sinks or is washed ashore. This is my personal blog version of the above. Loot freely.

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Location: The Hinterlands, Upstate NY

I'm annoyed that the world is going crazier faster than it used to be. But it's interesting to watch.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Text and Not Much of It

I am supremely annoyed that Blogger hasn't seen fit to accept any of my photo uploads for a couple of days now. Particularly when I see other Blogger-hosted blogs that do have new pix...but such is the way of the virtual world.

I'm still just tickled that the booties worked out; so much in life doesn't end nearly as happily. They got white ties last night and are already wrapped and ready to go.

Finally saw the finale of Project Runway Season ONE last night...much TV entertainment to be had and even a "smoking brings humans together in peace" moment. Can't wait to see how THIS season turns out and am all warmly happy that Season Two is waiting on DVD even as I type.

In followup to That Game and the word "Chevrolet"... 38 words of four or more letters plus 6 that aren't really standard English*.

In followup to my views on religion, another one I have is "But what if they were ALL true? Wouldn't that be cool?"

The purple hemp teatowel blocked out really well but still isn't dry yet...didn't forsee that at all.

This morning the air felt absolutely tropical, which is very strange for Upstate NY at this time of year. Felt like a little island breeze just for me when I went to the grocery first thing this morning.

*over, hover, cover, clover, lover, here, there, role, tole, vole, hole, veer, leer, cheer, cove, love, rove, trove, chore, chortle, vetch, retch, letch, leech, clot, cloth, clothe, colt, overt, covert, evert, revolt, volt, clever, lever, ever, torch, ochre, (chevre),(chere),(leche),(loch),(Holter),(Lethe)


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