Blogsam and Jetsam

Flotsam is the part of the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the water. Jetsam is cargo or parts of a ship that are deliberately thrown overboard, as to lighten the ship in an emergency, and that subsequently either sinks or is washed ashore. This is my personal blog version of the above. Loot freely.

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Location: The Hinterlands, Upstate NY

I'm annoyed that the world is going crazier faster than it used to be. But it's interesting to watch.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

And There Was Also Knitting

I nearly finished the baby blanket:

I like the way the rectangles turned out--very Piet Mondrian *

Stitch detail: every unit is some type of reversible knit/purl combination.

I stalled out at the border. My first plan was to do fat I-cord all the way around in one color then repeat with two others but that looked Way Bad when I tried. My second plan is garter stitch, but I want it to be a BORDER which means I want it all knit simultaneously to have the proper corners which means buying a handful of long circular shucky-darn!

It was just as well I stalled out though because I realized that baby isn't due till spring but my mother's birthday is in the middle of October. She's getting the Project Runway DVDs but of course I have to add a handknit too...

Is it ethically wrong to make your mother a hemp teatowel?

I sure hope not; it's coming along GREAT.

* I'm not really that well-versed in art history first thing on a Wednesday morning: I googled "modern art" and "rectangles" till I found the guy I remembered.


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